Our good friend Scott Morrissey, who runs the fantastic "The Bakshi Lord of the Rings Collectible Archive & Museum", recently posted about the Macy's Day Float that was used to promote the 1978 movie. The float was made by Manfred Bass, and was redlighted after the success of the previous years Rankin and Bass Hobbit movie float! That float featured a GIANT SMAUG.
The bottom and middle part of the 1978 LOTR float took place on middle earth, and on the top of the float was Mount Doom (where Gandalf stood on the front. The float was retired shortly after the 1978 and was recycled into the Legend of the Lone Ranger float in 1980.
1978 would be the one and only year that LOTR ever graced Macy's Parade. The footage was thought to have been lost, but I was able to track down some "video of a video", and made a short edit with some music. I never personally saw this footage before, as I was only a few years old at the time of the parade(Yes, I know I'm an old 70's baby). This will be added to our website, and is now on our Youtube channel. Enjoy the nostalgia!
